In this presentation Michelle Porche, Ed.D. and Myra Rosen-Reynoso, Ph.D. discussed findings from the 2012 National Survey of Children’s Health, which they used to investigate prevalence of co-occurring chronic physical and mental health care needs that put youth at increased risk for obesity, and for poor academic performance in school.
In this presentation Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D. and Amanda Richer, M.A. discussed the latest findings from the Media & Identity study and examined how the consumption of televised media and the use of social media affects young people.
One of the more insidious myths of post-racialism is that conversations about race and racism have no legitimacy in the cultural narrative of 21st century.
In this lunchtime seminar, Tracy Gladstone, Ph.D. presented on the CATCH-IT program, a primary care technology-based depression prevention program targeting adolescents who are at risk for depressive illness. In this lunchtime seminar, Tracy Gladstone, Ph.D. presented on the CATCH-IT program, a primary care technology-based depression prevention program targeting adolescents who are at risk for depressive illness.
Mike Brady from Brady Bunch? or Phil Dunfy from Modern Family? Who do you think of when you think of fathers today? Mike Brady from Brady Bunch? or Phil Dunfy from Modern Family? Who do you think of when you think of fathers today?
In this presentation Erika Kates, Ph.D. argued that to reduce the number of women in prison we must address the issue of the large number of women held in jail pending trial.