Teasing and Bulling

Publications on Teasing and Bullying

Nancy Mullin-Rindler's publication list.


Selected Bibliography About Teasing and Bullying for Grades K-8: Revised and Expanded Edition, by Nancy Mullin-Rindler (2003). Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. CRW #RL102 Revised (105 p.) $15.00
Revised and extended, contains hundreds of listings of children's literature, classroom resource materials, audiovisual selections, internet resources, and references for teachers and parents. An introductory section provides a conceptual framework for understanding bullying.


Relational Aggression and Bullying: It's More Than Just a Girl Thing, by Nancy Mullin-Rindler (2003). Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College Center for Women. Working Paper #408 (24 p.) $10.00
Examines recent assumptions about girls and aggression and puts it into the context of bullying and refutes the notions that aggression is unique to girls. Concrete strategies which can be used to improve aspects of climate in elementary and middle schools are offered.

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