Year Published: 2017

Authors: Victoria Banyard, Sharyn J. Potter, Alison C. Cares, Linda M. Williams, Mary M. Moynihan and Jane G. Stapleton

Source: Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research

Linda Williams, Ph.D., co-authored "Multiple Sexual Violence Prevention Tools: Doses and Boosters", for the Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research. Sexual violence prevention programs on college campuses have proliferated in recent years. While research has also increased, a number of questions remain unanswered that could assist campus administrators in making evidence-based decisions about implementation of prevention efforts. To that end, the field of prevention science has highlighted the need to examine the utility of booster sessions for enhancing prevention education. This study examined how two methods of prevention delivery-small group educational workshops and a community-wide social marketing campaign (SMC)-worked separately and together to promote attitude change related to sexual violence among college students. Results revealed benefits of the SMC as a booster for attitude changes related to being an active bystander to prevent sexual violence. Further, students who first participated in the program showed enhanced attitude effects related to the SMC. This is the first study to look at the combination of effects of different sexual violence prevention tools on student attitudes. It also showcases a method for how to investigate if prevention tools work separately and together.

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