Fern Marx, MHSM
Feminist and Senior Research Scientist, 1935-2006
Fern Marx was a senior research scientist at the Wellesley Centers for Women, where she had been for the past 17 years. She was one of the core team and author of the AAUW’s (American Association of University Women) study How Schools Shortchange Girls. Marx conducted the first study of alumnae of Agnes Scott College’s Irene K. Woodruff Return to School program for non-traditional age students on the occasion of the program's 25th anniversary and recently completed the evaluation of a unique program in the greater Boston area, Women Involved in Community Development, which supports low-income women in completing their undergraduate education. Marx was also a co-principal investigator of Raising Confident and Competent Girls project, which works with middle school teachers and administrators, parents, and youth service providers to improve classroom and program climate and address issues of gender equity and adolescent development.
She was principal investigator of a six-year study of the Women Involved in Living and Learning program (WILL) at the University of Richmond. This is a unique program focusing on leadership development and creating a single sex experience at a coeducational university. She was principal investigator of the Jacksonville Afterschool Experiences project, a three and a half-year study of after-school programs serving elementary and middle school students in public schools and community agencies in Jacksonville, Florida. In addition, she was the evaluator of several violence prevention programs for young adolescents: Girl's, Inc.'s Project BOLD and Wellesley's Girl's LEAP. Marx was also co-principal investigator of two National Science Foundation funded projects encouraging girls to consider careers in engineering and computers (Hear Our Voices and Women in Engineering). Over the years, her applied evaluation work included national and local studies of afterschool care programs, programs for pregnant and parenting teens, and programs designed to provide training for low-income women.
Fern Marx's WCW publications:
Marx, F., Erkut, S., Fields, J.P. & Clayton, J. B. (2000). Raising Confident and Competent Girls: How Middle Schools Can Support Girls.Facilitator’s Manual. CRW 26. Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F. (2000). Agnes Scott College Return to College Program: Report on the 1999 Alumnae Survey. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Erkut, S., Marx, F., Fields, J.P. & Sing, R. (1998) Raising Confident and Competent Girls: Implications of Diversity. Working Paper 289. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Erkut, S. & Marx, F. (1995) Raising Competent Girls: An Exploratory Study of Diversity in Girls' Views on Liking One's Self. Special Report (CRW 10) of the Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Gannett, E. & Marx, F. (1993) The Public School Involvement in School-Age Child Care Project. Final Report. School-Age Child Care Project Wellesley Centers for Women and National Association of Elementary School Principals. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F. (1994) Professional Development Survey Results. Final Report. NASACCA Professional Development Committee & School-Age Child Care Project, Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F., & Seligson, M. (1991) Final Report on A Study of Hawaii After School (A+) Program. Prepared for the Hawaii Department of Education. School-Age Child Care Project, Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F., & Seligson, M. (1991) Final Report on a Study of Publicly Funded School-Age Child Care Programs in the City of Chicago. Prepared for the Chicago Department of Human Services. School-Age Child Care Project, Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F. (1991) Learning Together: A Supplement to the National Directory of Teen Parenting and Child Care Programs. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Miller, B. & Marx, F. (1990) Afterschool Arrangements in Middle Childhood: A Review of the Literature. Report No. 58. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F. (1990) Learning Together: Proceedings of the National Conference of Teen Parenting and Child Care Programs April, 1990. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F. (1990) School Age Child Care in America: Final Report of A National Provider Survey. Working Paper, No. 204. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F., (1989) After School Programs for Low-Income Young Adolescents: Overview and Program Profiles. Working Paper No.194. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Francis, J. & Marx, F. (1989) Learning Together: A National Directory of Teen Parenting and Child Care Programs. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F., Bailey, S. & Francis, J. (1988) Child Care for the Children of Adolescent Parents: Findings from a National Survey and Case Studies.Working Paper, No. 184. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marshall, N., Witte, A, Nichols, L., Marx, F., & Colten, M (1988) The Child Day Care Affordability Study: Technical Report. Working Paper, No. 181. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.
Marx, F. (1987) The Role of Day Care in Serving the Needs of School-Age Parents and Their Children: A Review of the Literature. Working Paper, No. 174. Wellesley Centers for Women. Wellesley, MA.